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Separating data into 2 columns take 2 :)


New Member
I have a name column in my spreadsheet that I want to separate into two columns,a firstname+middle column(Name1) and a lastname+title column (Name2) . Not all of the names in the current Name column are formatted the same (i.e. some people don't have middle initial or have 2 middle initials). Is there a way I can separate the names into two separate columns?

Here is an example of what I have in contrast of what I'd like to achieve:

Hi, ashleem!

Would you please grant access to your uploaded file? Thank you.


PS: BTW, this is the continuation of your same previous thread:


so you can (you must) go on posting on the same topic writing within the Reply box at its bottom. If not, the questions and answers to your issue will be spread between a lot of topics. Just advise if need any help about this.