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Separating data from one column that matches data in another column


New Member
I have names of people in cells B2:B150. In column H (H2:H150) I have their corresponding current project code (101 through 110 - for example).

Then I have created several more columns X,Y,& Z. In those columns I want to create a list of the people working on certain projects (101, 102, and 103). So column X, row 2 I need to begin to extract the names of the people attached to project 101 (from column H). There may be 2 or 20. IN column Y, I need a list of the names of the people associated with project 102, etc.

I have some basic understanding of Vlookup and lookup, but they don't seem to work. I am thinking of Index and Match, but I am not as good with them. Anyway, none of the examples online seem to show how to create a list in a column of unknown length with extracted data from another column.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


- Bob
Check out my article here:


The references are different, but the method is the same.
Hi, BobDobalina!

I'd recommend you to read the three first green sticky topics at this forums main page. There you'll find general guidelines about how this site and community operates (introducing yourself, posting files, netiquette rules, and so on).

Among them you're prompted to perform searches within this site before posting, because maybe your question had been answered yet.

Feel free to play with different keywords so as to be led thru a wide variety of articles and posts, and if you don't find anything that solves your problem or guides you towards a solution, well, come back here, tell us what you've done, consider uploading a sample file as recommended, and somebody surely will read your post and help you.

And about your question...

If you had performed the search with the keywords "vlookup multiple values" you'd have retrieved lots of links from this website. The first one? This:


Which contains this:


Luke - thank you so much. That was PERFECT! Works beautifully. I had to change to some references to absolute so I could copy across, but I got that figured out. I can follow your explanation, but thinking that through and finding that solution seems a bit beyond me. Thanks for the help! I think I can use this in many situations.

SirJB7. I thought I had introduced myself. I guess it was in a course I took with Chandoo previously and not here. My bad. Also, I had tried doing many searches for this answer. Unfortunately the difficult part is finding the right key words to search for. I never would have thought to look for anything VLookup as it returns values in columns to the right only (not backwards to left) - at least that was what I was taught. Believe me, I've tried searching on this solution for two days. The I remembered this forum. My apologies for not meeting some of the requirements.
Hey Bob,

Could you post a small bit from your workbook to see what you came up with. I am just curious. I know you figured out the answer, I just would like to see how the end result looked.


Don't worry, just an initial aid to lead new users thru the right and easy path. And welcome back whenever needed or wanted.




In Luke M's article there's a link for downloading an example file. It looks like this:


Type		Name		Criteria	Output
Fruit		Apple		Vegetable	Broccoli
Fruit		Orange				Spinach
Vegetable	Broccoli			Peas
Vegetable	Spinach				<- Cell Contains a Formula, But Displays Blank
Fruit		Pear				<- Cell Contains a Formula, But Displays Blank
Vegetable	Peas				<- Cell Contains a Formula, But Displays Blank


Glad I could help out.


May need to change the tone of your template to being more "new user friendly". I think it's coming off a little harsh/blunt.