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Sending email reminders about upcoming dates


New Member

I am new to programming in excel, but am trying to make a macro for the first time. I want it to search through a column in my document with dates, figuring out how many days until this date, and send out emails to specific people when this particular date is coming up (6 months prior and 3 months prior). It worked in the beginning, but then I added some columns with information, and now I keep getting error 9 "Subscript out of bounds". I also added a PivotTable, which means I now have three sheets in my workbook. I only need the macro to go through the main sheet of information. How could I specify this in the code I have used?

Here is my code:

Sub datesexcelvba()
Dim myapp As Outlook.Application, mymail As Outlook.MailItem

Dim mydate1 As Date
Dim mydate2 As Long
Dim datetoday1 As Date
Dim datetoday2 As Long

Dim x As Long
lastrow = Sheets("sheet1").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For x = 3 To x = lastrow

mydate1 = Cells(x, 7).Value
mydate2 = mydate1

Cells(x, 15).Value = mydate2

datetoday1 = Date
datetoday2 = datetoday1

Cells(x, 16).Value = datetoday2

Cells(x, 17).Value = mydate2 - datetoday2

If mydate2 - datetoday2 <= 180 And mydate2 - datetoday2 > 90 Then
Cells(x, 13) = "< 6 måneder"
Cells(x, 13).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
Cells(x, 13).Font.ColorIndex = 1
End If

If mydate2 - datetoday2 <= 90 And mydate2 - datetoday2 > 0 Then
Cells(x, 13) = "< 3 måneder"
Cells(x, 13).Interior.ColorIndex = 46
Cells(x, 13).Font.ColorIndex = 1
End If

If mydate2 - datetoday2 < 0 And mydate2 - datetoday2 > -30000 Then
Cells(x, 13) = "Utgått!"
Cells(x, 13).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
Cells(x, 13).Font.ColorIndex = 2
End If

If mydate2 - datetoday2 = 180 Then

Set myapp = New Outlook.Application
Set mymail = myapp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
mymail.To = Cells(x, 12).Value

With mymail
.Subject = "Kontrakten din utløper om 6 måneder"
.Body = "Du må titte på kontrakten din med XXX, den er i ferd med å gå ut." & vbCrLf & "Takk, Marte"
End With

Cells(x, 8) = "Ja (6 mnd)"
Cells(x, 8).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
Cells(x, 8).Font.ColorIndex = 2
Cells(x, 8).Font.Bold = True

End If

If mydate2 - datetoday2 = 90 Then

Set myapp = New Outlook.Application
Set mymail = myapp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
mymail.To = Cells(x, 12).Value

With mymail
.Subject = "Kontrakten din utløper om 3 måneder"
.Body = "Du må titte på kontrakten din med XXX, den er i ferd med å gå ut." & vbCrLf & "Takk, Marte"
End With

Cells(x, 8) = "Ja (3 mnd)"
Cells(x, 8).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
Cells(x, 8).Font.ColorIndex = 2
Cells(x, 8).Font.Bold = True
End If


Set myapp = Nothing
Set mymail = Nothing

End Sub

And the line that is highlighted when debugging is:
lastrow = Sheets("sheet1").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row