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Selecting a range with a case statement....


Active Member
So, I have a VBA function:

Based on parameter 1, I want to select a range to match parameter 2.

function myfunction(parameter1 as string, parameter2 as string)

dim rMyRange as range

dim Match as string

Select Case Parameter1

case "A"

rMyRange = range("FirstRange")

case "B"

rMyRange = range("SecondRange")

myfunction = application.worksheetfunction.match(parameter2,rmyrange,0)

end function

But, it doesn't seem to work. I'm relative certain I have to do something with the ranges differently but I'm unsure what.

maybe rmyrange = range(firstrange").address or something?
Hi, dan_l!

Change your code to:


Function myfunction(parameter1 As String, parameter2 As String)
Dim rMyRange As Range
Dim Match As String

Select Case parameter1
Case "A"
Set rMyRange = Range("FirstRange")
Case "B"
Set rMyRange = Range("SecondRange")
End Select

myfunction = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(parameter2, rMyRange, 0)

End Function

There were missing the two Set keywords and the End Select instruction.

It's always a good practice to check the code before running it with Alt-D L (Debug, Compile) from the VBA editor.
