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Select from Drop Down List and then remove choice from list


New Member
I'm trying to figure out how to have Data Validation in some cells where the list might be a list of employees. As the employee is selected from the list for a project his name will be removed from the next drop down list as to avoid having the same person chosen for more than one project. Can someone help me out with this? I've searched the old posts but not having much luck. Please bear with me as I'm not an expert with Excel. Thanks in advance for any help!
Alternatively if I have a few cells to populate with guys from a drop down list for a project if their names would disappear from a roster at the bottom of the sheet so you only see who is remaining then that would work too.
Hi, absolut311!

Check this:


There you have an example of an auto-eliminating list. I hope you can adapt it for your issue.

If you can't get the workbook, here's an article written by Debra that helps explain how to set it up:

SirJB7 - I couldn't access your link from my office but Luke M's articl did the trick! Thanks to both of you for replying so quick and helping me out!!