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Search and text box results issue


I am learning as I go. Not good at this yet. I have a contact list that I am trying to improve on. The form is a work in progress. The boss did not like the last version I had received help on, thanks NARAYANK991. The boss wants the search results in text boxes rather than a list box, so I came up with the attached.

I have 2 main issues at the moment I cannot get past:
1. I need the for the "search" command to search columns A and B
2. I need for the form to find the next match for the text I am searching and list correctly in the text boxes

The form will find the first match and fill the text boxes, but will not find the next match. If I search a persons name, all the information in the text boxes are off 1 text box. I have tried different methods, but I am not very good at this.

Thanks in advance


  • Contact List.xlsm
    66.6 KB · Views: 9
Thank you. Not quite what I need though. The current contact list we have at work has over 300 contacts at the moment. One company in particular has over 50. I was attempting to create a search that would filter all the matches or find the next match. Each time I have tried using the list box method I cannot get it to filter the text type in the search. I tried doing a find and find next buttons but with no luck.

I did notice that my "Sort" button no longer works, will check it out. Is there a way to filter the list box just to display the text searched?

I appreciate you help Belleke.