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scrollbar hide


New Member
i create a macro to hide scrollbar vetical & horizontal when sheet1 is active but problem is all other sheets scrollbar is hide

Hi Kalpesh..

DisplayScrollbar is a Property of Application Object and Window Object. Its not a property of Sheets,Worksheet or ActiveWorksheet object. You cant manipulate according to each Worksheet. Just try the below code, It check the property of activeSheet, and according to property you can change

ActiveWindow.DisplayVerticalScrollBar (for current Window/Frames Vertical)

ActiveWindow.DisplayHorizontalScrollBar (for current Window/Frames Horizontal)

Application.DisplayScrollBars (for current Application/EXCEL's, both ScrollBar)

Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)

If ActiveSheet.Name = "Sheet1" Then

Application.DisplayScrollBars = False


Application.DisplayScrollBars = True

End If

End Sub