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school timetable


can we use excel to make a school timetable with classes subjects and teachers and seven period a day five days a week?
Hi ,

Should be possible. You need to set up the database and the rules :

1. Students and their Grades or Classes

2. Students and Subjects ( assuming that a student can opt for as many subjects as possible , subject to a minimum number ) ; otherwise , you need to define which are the compulsory subjects , and which are the optional subjects for each Grade / Class

3. Teachers and Subjects

4. All the rules such as how many subjects a week for the Students / Teachers , how many periods per subject per day , ...

More than whether it can be done in Excel , is what will be the time frame for this project ? It is a project , which can be made as complex as you desire ! You can throw in quite a few dashboards , which can tell you a student's load , a teacher's load , all the periods per week subject-wise , free periods a week .... ; you are limited only by your imagination !

Obviously , the more power and flexibility you add to the application , the more you will be veering towards VBA , and quite a lot of it.
