New Member
Hello guys,
I have an excel of many sheets with the same structure.
I am creating a sheet with graph to plot the same xy of different sheets as a series in the same graph.
so the graph will have all the series of all the sheets. I have found something on the internet but it is drawing a graph on everysheet.
I have an excel of many sheets with the same structure.
I am creating a sheet with graph to plot the same xy of different sheets as a series in the same graph.
so the graph will have all the series of all the sheets. I have found something on the internet but it is drawing a graph on everysheet.
Sub graph()
'start with the first sheet
Application.ScreenUpdating =FalseForEach sh In Worksheets
'find the collength for the series entryDim collength AsInteger
collength = Cells(Rows.Count,"A").End(xlUp).Row
'clean up the data'Inserting a Column at Column C
[C1].Value ="time"
'eqn for first row in column
[C2].Value ="=if(B2>0,24*(B2-$B$2))"'autofill rest of columns and format data to general
Range("C2:C"& collength).FillDown
Columns(3).NumberFormat ="General"
'create the chart as an object in the worksheetDim myChtObj As ChartObjectSet myChtObj = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add _(Left:=100, Width:=375, Top:=75, Height:=225)
myChtObj.Chart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets(ActiveSheet.Name).Range("C2:Q"& collength)
myChtObj.Chart.ChartType = xlXYScatterLines
With myChtObj.Chart
' make an XY chart.ChartType = xlXYScatterLines
' remove extra seriesDoUntil.SeriesCollection.Count =0.SeriesCollection(1).DeleteLoopWith.SeriesCollection.NewSeries.Name = ActiveSheet.Range("Q1").Values = ActiveSheet.Range("Q2:Q"& collength).XValues = ActiveSheet.Range("C2:C"& collength)EndWithEndWith
'go to the next sheetNext sh
Application.ScreenUpdating =True
End Sub
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