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Save prompt issue when updating several work books


I have a macro that updates eleven different works when initiated. Each of the workbooks has a "beforeClose" macro that saves the active workbook. The macro opens the first workbook, updates and formats data. The macro then closes the work book using "ActiveWorkBook.Close". The macro moves onto the next workbook but not before prompting "Do you want to save changes". Why does this prompt come up when the workbook already has code to save when it closes? I have added "ActiveWorkbook. Save" which seems to eliminate the prompt but the workbook ends up saving twice. Any ideas why this is happening??
In addition, the update macro works fine and I do not want to be prompted eleven different times to save the changes to the workbooks that were just updated.
Hello Bnpdkh..
Please use following code before and after your Activeworkbook.save.

Application. Displayalerts=False
Activeworkbook. Save
Application. Displayalerts=True
***** This will stop primting for save..Hope this will help....Please Confirm.

