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Save Excel sheet as PDF with password


New Member

I have tried saving excel sheet as pdf with password protection. But I am unable to do it. How to save excel with password protection.

And is there any way to save excel as read only and disable the formula bar view?


hi krishna,
you can save excel with password with read only protection, choose 'save as' option of your file, select the file type below you want, at tools slect general option where you can give your desire password with the option read only.
For your second query, select your entire sheet at first and check unlock from cell formats, then select those cells only you want to lock, again go the cell formats by right click of your mouse and click on check box 'lock cell' at protection tab,also click on check box 'hidden', ok, protect your sheet with password from cell format toolbar, now no one can see your formulas in formula bar.
Thanks for the reply sudipto, but the option for save using password is disabled. I tried using the path mentioned by you previously. I would like to know if there is any security clearance needed to be given for saving using password.

when you are going to save your file first time or an existing file when you are going for "save as"(alt+f+a), the box appear on your screen, there must be a "tools" button bseside the "Save" option, there you will find the "General Option" where you can give your password and a check box "Read Only Recommended".