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Sales Promotions Tracker


New Member

I am looking for suggestions for a promotions tracker I am creating. I have a couple of sheets with tables that show the Promo Summary and then the Promo by Area/Region/Office.

I keep getting stuck on what I want to show visually. I haven't been able to find much when searching.

If anyone can point me to something that may be a good way to visually show it I would be appreciative.

This is the base of what the data is.

4 Promotions - tracking the # of times the promotion is used

4 months tracked (Oct - January)

# of sales for each month (I was going to put a line in for # of sales last year to show +/- to this year Oct-Jan)

And I had tossed around showing a pie chart with % of each promotion used with # of units.

The chain

3 Areas
20 Regions
120 Offices
(with employees in the offices that report up)

We are only using 3 of the same promotions from last year Oct - Nov, we replaced 1 with a new promotion.

Thank you for any direction!
Hi there,

Tell me, do you have a data set where you record sales by person who belongs to a certain office, located at some region which belongs to an area?

If it is so I will work on it and present you something to look at.

Yours sincerely

Hi there,

Tell me, do you have a data set where you record sales by person who belongs to a certain office, located at some region which belongs to an area?

If it is so I will work on it and present you something to look at.

Yours sincerely


Yes we do have the records of sales by person who belongs to each office located within the Region up to the Area:

Currently each promo's data is their own tab, 4 data tabs. Those feed into 3 tabs that show Pivot table summaries

1. The promo data
2. YTD by Region and Office
3. All months shown by Region and Office

I keep getting stuck on what I how I want it to visually look. The best way to present the data to tell a story and make an impact. I brainstorm best visually. I haven't been able to find much when searching.

If anyone can point me to something that may be a good way to visually show it I would be appreciative.

Base of what the data is

4 Promotions - tracking the # of times the promotion is used

4 months tracked (Oct - January)

# of sales for each month (I was going to put a line in for # of sales last year to show +/- to this year Oct-Jan)

And I had tossed around showing a pie chart with % of each promotion used with # of units.

The chain

There are 3 Areas with 20 Regions and each Region has on avg 6 offices (total of 120 offices)

We are only using 3 of the same promotions from last year Oct - Nov, we replaced 1 with a new promotion.

Thank you for any direction!


  • FY15 Promotion Tracker Test.xlsx
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