If you share some sample data and required output...then someone around can share some ideas..
Currently each promo's data is their own tab, 4 data tabs. Those feed into 3 tabs that show Pivot table summaries
1. The promo data
2. YTD by Region and Office
3. All months shown by Region and Office
I keep getting stuck on what I how I want it to visually look. The best way to present the data to tell a story and make an impact. I brainstorm best visually. I haven't been able to find much when searching.
If anyone can point me to something that may be a good way to visually show it I would be appreciative.
Base of what the data is
4 Promotions - tracking the # of times the promotion is used
4 months tracked (Oct - January)
# of sales for each month (I was going to put a line in for # of sales last year to show +/- to this year Oct-Jan)
And I had tossed around showing a pie chart with % of each promotion used with # of units.
The chain
There are 3 Areas with 20 Regions and each Region has on avg 6 offices (total of 120 offices)
We are only using 3 of the same promotions from last year Oct - Nov, we replaced 1 with a new promotion.
Thank you for any direction!