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Sales Inventory report in Excel


Good Afternoon everybody,

One of my customer asked whether he can maintain his Sales cum Inventory report in Excel 2010. I assured him that he can. He asked me to design one in that case. But I can foresee a problem with his kind of business i.e. his is an Wholesale Automobile Spares shop which is with high floating of customers always. He shop is very systematized and always floating with regular customers. What I have given here is a 2500 types of dummy spares' codes, customer names, replica of his business activity. He is having approx. There are 250 regular customers who will order online from 18 districts in his sales region. How to organize the data is the question. Well I can give him a design but he should not come back with a problem later on. I have sent the data link below. You can change the data as you wish but remember there will be everyday sales for every item and every customer visits the shop daily for some item. And I am confused when he said, that whether I have to take the transaction date in rowside and product items in column side or vice versa. And it should be easy for consolidation at the end of the year. And he has to take care of opening stock and closing stock as well. Stock equation he follows is same i.e. opstock + purchases - Sales = CloStcok i.e. Opstock for next month.

And if any questions please ask me. I will be online. I will post If I got a flash of nice idea.


A simple start might be found here:


Form currently uses part ID, location, date, and qty. You could easily add another field for Customer ID if needed. This would let you setup the data. For the report, using the PivotTable will meet many of your needs. Will let you quickly sum up the qty for each month, and would let you easily filter down by customer/area.

Admittedly, I can't access uploaded files from my location, so this is a bit of a shot in the dark. I hope it helps a little though. =)
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