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Runtype & Type Mismatch error : Change Text String to Date

I was writing a code to change date in string format to date format while transferring from userform to cell.
for example 12.2.2017 would change to 12-02-2017 or
12/02.2017 would change to 12-02-2017

Code as below, but it is giving runtype error & Type mismatch errors in substitute formula. pls help. thanks a lot in advance..!!

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim a As String
Dim b As Integer

With Application.WorksheetFunction

'a = TextBox1.Value
Sheet1.Range("R1").Value = TextBox1.Value

'MsgBox a

'##Error in this line##
b = DateValue(.Substitute(.Substitute(.Substitute(Sheet1.Range("R1").Value, Chr(46), Chr(45)), Chr(47), Chr(45)), Chr(92), Chr(45)))

MsgBox b

If IsNumeric(b) Then

    Sheet1.Range("Q32000").End(xlUp).Value = b
    Activecell.NumberFormat = "[$-en-IN,1]dd/mm/yy;@"
    MsgBox "Please enter date in dd-mm-yyyy format"
End If

End With

End Sub

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I would use Replace().
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
  Dim a As String, b As Date
  With Application.WorksheetFunction
    'a = TextBox1.Value
    Sheet1.Range("R1").Value = TextBox1.Value
    'MsgBox a
    'b = DateValue(.Substitute(.Substitute(.Substitute(Sheet1.Range("R1").Value, Chr(46), Chr(45)), Chr(47), Chr(45)), Chr(92), Chr(45)))
    b = DateValue(Replace(Replace(Replace(Sheet1.Range("R1").Value, ".", "/"), "\", "/"), "-", "/"))
    MsgBox b
    If IsNumeric(b) Then
      MsgBox b
      Sheet1.Range("Q32000").End(xlUp).Value = b
      ActiveCell.NumberFormat = "[$-en-IN,1]dd/mm/yy;@"
        MsgBox "Please enter date in dd-mm-yyyy format"
    End If
  End With
End Sub
thanks a lot for your attention Mr.Kenneth. Well I made changes as you suggested. But I see something strange here

1) instead of replacing 12.4.2017 as 12/04/2017, It replaces it as 12-4-2017 only. And also
2) datevalue doesn't work and Msgbox displayes "Please enter date in dd-mm-yyyy format".

Pls help. thanks
The first MsgBox(b) only returns your own regional date formatted date string. If you want some other date string, use Format().

As for the 2nd MsgBox(), b is a date, not a number per se. So, IF IsNumeric(b) will always jump to Else if b is a date. Use this if you like:

If IsDate(b) Then
  MsgBox Format(b, "mm/dd/yyyy") '12.4.2017 = 12/04/2017

Dates can be tricky. A user may enter a date string one way but the regional settings might use another method so DateValue() can lead one astray then.
thanks a lot for your attention Mr.Kenneth. IsDate was the missing thing. I didn't know about it. I made changes as per my needs. Its working now. thanks a lot for all your help.