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Running Total that Calculates a running total for all values in the pivot table using DAX


New Member
Airport Delays and Covid Cases Pivot Table

On my Pivot Table Sheet I would like to calculate a running total of New Covid Cases starting from Jan 2020 and ending on Sept 2021. I do not want the calculation to reset each year. After it Calculated the totals for 2020, I want it to contine down to 2021. I've tried several DAX formulas but I can't get it to work. I did it two ways. CummulativeCovidCases measure is without the All Function. CumAllNewCases included the All Function. I don't know what is wrong. I thought I was giving the right FILTER context. Please help me solve this issue. I was able to get it to work in Power Bi with a quick measure using their formula but I can't replicate it in a Data Model PivotTable. Thanks.
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