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Run time error '1004'

Thomas Kuriakose

Active Member
Respected Sirs,

I tried a macro to copy specific columns from one sheet (Sheet1) to another (Sheet2). I am using the below code -

Sub Copy()

    Dim src As Worksheet
    Dim trg As Worksheet
    Dim LastRow As Long

    Set src = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
    Set trg = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2")

    src.Range("B4:B2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("A5").PasteSpecial
    src.Range("GN4:GN2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("B5").PasteSpecial
    src.Range("HD4:HD2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("C5").PasteSpecial
    src.Range("HE4:HE2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("D5").PasteSpecial
    src.Range("HB4:HB2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("E5").PasteSpecial
    src.Range("HC4:HC2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("F5").PasteSpecial
    src.Range("DC4:DC2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("G5").PasteSpecial
    src.Range("DD4:DD2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("H5").PasteSpecial
    src.Range("DG4:DG2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("I5").PasteSpecial
    src.Range("EN4:EN2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("J5").PasteSpecial
    src.Range("DN4:DN2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("K5").PasteSpecial
    src.Range("EU4:EU2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("L5").PasteSpecial
    src.Range("DJ4:DJ2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("N5").PasteSpecial
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    End Sub

The requirement is to paste special values in Sheet2, but I get the below run time error in line
src.Range("B4:B2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("A5").PasteSpecial


Kindly guide on how to write the correct code to copy and paste special value in this case.

Thank you very much for you support always,

much appreciated,

with regards,
Respected Sirs,

Thank you very much for your support on this query. I changed the code, but I get the below error -


Kindly guide where I am going wrong,

Thank you very much,

with regards,
For pastespecial, instead of
Destination:=YourDestination.pastespecial xlpasteAll
on the same line as the copy, I usually place the Destination on a separate line

YourDestination.pastespecial xlPasteAll
Thomas Kuriakose
as written:
... modify all those .PasteSpecials away.
Means as below ...
    src.Range("B4:B2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("A5")
    src.Range("GN4:GN2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("B5")
    src.Range("HD4:HD2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("C5")
    src.Range("HE4:HE2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("D5")
    src.Range("HB4:HB2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("E5")
    src.Range("HC4:HC2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("F5")
    src.Range("DC4:DC2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("G5")
    src.Range("DD4:DD2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("H5")
    src.Range("DG4:DG2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("I5")
    src.Range("EN4:EN2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("J5")
    src.Range("DN4:DN2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("K5")
    src.Range("EU4:EU2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("L5")
    src.Range("DJ4:DJ2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("N5")
Compare to Your original code.
Respected Sirs,

Thank you very much once again,

I am still getting this error.


My apologies if I did not get this correct code change,

with regards,
Respected Sir,

Thank you very much for this code and you kind support.

This is copying data, but Sheet1 has two columns with formula lookup from another sheet and when pasting results in #Ref error in Sheet 2.

We need to paste special the values in Sheet2 to get the values.

Thank you very much,

with regards,
Respected Sir,

Thank you very much for your guidance. The below columns HB,HC,HD and HE have lookup formulas.

src.Range("HD4:HD2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("C5")
  Range("C5").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
  src.Range("HE4:HE2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("D5")
  Range("D5").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
  src.Range("HB4:HB2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("E5")
  Range("E5").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
  src.Range("HC4:HC2000").Copy Destination:=trg.Range("F5")
  Range("F5").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll

Thank you very much once again,

with regards,
but Sheet1 has two columns with formula lookup ...

    trg.Range("C5").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False[/SIZE]
    trg.Range("D5").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
    trg.Range("E5").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
    trg.Range("F5").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
I have a similar error 1004, but it is with filtering in a pivot table. Any idea how I can fix it? I've been trying for over a week. I've tried posting the code on here, but it says it contains too many characters to upload. Here is screenshot, I can upload a .txt file as well.


  • excel pivot filter error.JPG
    excel pivot filter error.JPG
    151 KB · Views: 2
Do You have challenge with a .txt-file?
If 'Yes' then txt-file, otherwise Excel-file.
... if only any code then there would be challenge to test any modification.

Your case seems to be a new case, then You should open a new case.
Thanks for the response Vletm, I posted the question last Wednesday on here, with the text file and my excel files.