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Run macros in a protected workbook/worksheet


New Member
Hi all,

As the subject suggest, I created a database table and some pivot tables dependent on the database table. I also created a macro on the main sheet just to refresh all the pivot tables with one click and some other for my pivot tables, but as soon as I protect the sheets containing pivot tables, all macros stopped working and returns a "Run-time error '1004'.

I just wanted to know, is there any way out to above problem. Can I create a macros enabled protected sheet.

Thanks in advance
You need to do like as below!

Sheet1.Unprotect "mypassword"

....codes to run....

Sheet1.Protect "mypassword"
plz help ...

Sub cccc()

Sheetdashboard.Unprotect "PW"

Dim lngLoop As Long
Dim lngDelay As Long
With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 20").Chart
For lngLoop = 1 To 360
.Rotation = lngLoop
For lngDelay = 1 To 10000
End With

Sheetdashboard.Protect "PW"

End Sub