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RRR and YYY Issue


New Member
Hi everyone

I need assistance in my formula in sheet RRR, YYY
RM is data sheet.
RRR is for current status based on RM sheet, I want to modify formula in such a way that for sheet YYY
The pending value in such a way that its status open in D:D and BY i.e column K value equal to RRR,
Finally i.e two sheets segregated as RRR and YYY ( RRR and YYY are two different companies),

Please assist and modify in RRR and YYY sheet formula for any single records.

Thanks everyone for their valuable time and efforts.
Your ... Please assist and modify in RRR and YYY sheet formula for any single records.
Did You read Forum Rules before posting Your thread?
Hint: There are some challenges to get clear idea based Your writings.
It could be more clear, if You would upload an Excel sample -file, which has ... RRR and YYY-sheets as well as Your named formulas.

... with clear examples - what is Your challenge there?