I want to solve a part of formula. Basically in cells (b10:c16) there will be index formula, but first I need to solve offset part of formula where all this cells must refer to row 9 which will contain names of sheets.
I tried this code but dont know how to make range in rows function where one cell absolute refence and the other relative
Anyways workbook contains worksheet formula which I need to transfer to VBA
thanks in advance
I want to solve a part of formula. Basically in cells (b10:c16) there will be index formula, but first I need to solve offset part of formula where all this cells must refer to row 9 which will contain names of sheets.
I tried this code but dont know how to make range in rows function where one cell absolute refence and the other relative
Dim str As String
str = "=offset(" & Cells(10, 2).Address(False, False) & ",-(rows(" & Range(Cells(10, 2), Cells(10, 2)).Address & ",)),0)"
Anyways workbook contains worksheet formula which I need to transfer to VBA
thanks in advance