Date DR CR Exchange Rate
1/07/2011 € 100,000.00 $0.7400
2/07/2011 € 50,000.00 $0.7550
3/07/2011 € 7,500.00 $0.7800
4/07/2011 € 5,000.00 $0.7700
5/07/2011 € 160,000.00
6/07/2011 € 100,000.00 $0.7900
7/07/2011 € 80,000.00
I want to calculate what the average exchange rate was for each credit amount. E.g.$160,000 was purchased using a first-in-first-out method, so of this, €100,000 @ 0.74 then another €50,000 @ 0.755 and then €7,500 @ 0.78 and the last €2,500 (of the €5,000) was purchased at 0.77. What was the average of all these exchange rates? Then I want to be able to move down to the next credit, and use the remaining $2,500 first and then the residual to come from the $100,000.
1/07/2011 € 100,000.00 $0.7400
2/07/2011 € 50,000.00 $0.7550
3/07/2011 € 7,500.00 $0.7800
4/07/2011 € 5,000.00 $0.7700
5/07/2011 € 160,000.00
6/07/2011 € 100,000.00 $0.7900
7/07/2011 € 80,000.00
I want to calculate what the average exchange rate was for each credit amount. E.g.$160,000 was purchased using a first-in-first-out method, so of this, €100,000 @ 0.74 then another €50,000 @ 0.755 and then €7,500 @ 0.78 and the last €2,500 (of the €5,000) was purchased at 0.77. What was the average of all these exchange rates? Then I want to be able to move down to the next credit, and use the remaining $2,500 first and then the residual to come from the $100,000.