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Right-click -> Definition-> Blank Page!?


I'm trying to uncover the original definition of an object variable, 'shtcodes'. When I right click on the variable and select 'Definition' it takes me to a blank page within the VBE with '(General)' and '(Declarations)' selected in the two drop-down boxes at the top. What does this mean? :confused:
Aha, I've discovered what it is! The object 'shtcodes' is the sidebar name given to a worksheet from the workbook in question. When I right-click on it and select 'definition' it brings me to the worksheet module, which happens to be blank.

This raises a different question then. How can I assign a name to a worksheet within VBE that is different to 'Sheet1 (Sales)', 'Sheet2 (Profit)', and instead make it something like 'shtcodes (Sales)' within the VBE sidebar?
Select the object within the VBE. Make sure properties is visible (check under the View menu if it's not. Then, under the "(Name)" field, you can input what you want the VB name to be.