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RGB color codes for default chart colors red/green/blue/purple in Excel 2010?


New Member
I am creating some VIP charts. The company standard is the default red/green/blue/purple Excel colors. That works fine for most of my charting but I need to create a bar chart with only one measure - % of completion. However, I want to highlight the high and low counts by using the default coloring. I have four bars and there are four colors so great. However, I cannot find the RGB numbers for the Excel default colors so that I can apply the same colors to my custom chart. I can come pretty close by eyeballing, but I'd like to know exactly.

I will very much appreciate any help,

Hi Kate ,

If you access the Excel help and type in RGB , you get details of the color codes for the standard colors :

The fundamental colors are having 255 in their color , and 0 in the others e.g. RED would be RGB(255,0,0) while GREEN would be RGB(0,255,0) and BLUE would be RGB(0,0,255).

CYAN has a code of RGB(0,255,255) , MAGENTA is RGB(255,0,255) , YELLOW is RGB(255,255,0) , and lastly WHITE is RGB(255,255,255).

Is this what you wanted ?

The following link has more details :


Thank you so much, Narayan, this was very helpful. I guess I just asked Excel the wrong question because I did not get to that very wonderful information. I've bookmarked it now, though, because I'm sure I'll need it again.

Thanks again,
