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Returning a test table from an input sheet whilst ignoring duplicates


New Member
Hi All,

I am currently working on a new business sales tracker for my company. Recently Luke M helped me to count the number of unique names on an input sheet based on whether they were a 'hot' prospect or not which was very useful.

However, now I have been asked to return those unique names along with which company they work for.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,

Hello again!

Would it be possible to setup a PivotTable? That's the fastest, and probably easiest, method I can think of to get a unique list of all the names and list out all the companies they work for. A PivotTable would also let you easily filter on 'hot' prospects.
I did consider that but as it will be used by many other people and I won't always have contact with it it will need to be continually refreshed. Are there any ways to get round the refresh issue?


Possibly...how often would it need to be refreshed?

Option A) We use an event macro that will refresh the PT when activates the sheet w/ PivotTable (assuming it's on it's own sheet).

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
For Each pt In Me.PivotTables
End Sub
Option B) We make some nice, shiny button that users can click that will refresh the data. In which case, write a macro that uses similar coding as above, and just assign it to a button/shape.