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Return range from a Data Table based on Lookup Criteria


New Member
I am trying to come up with a formula that will let me return an array of X cells beginning with the the 1st NON-ZERO value from a data table:




So, given the Item and say 3 cells, the formula Would return something like this:

I know how to do this if I know the row involved, but I am extracting from a large table where I won't know the right row to look across. I'm sure there is a combination of INDEX MATCH and OFFSET that will do this, but I don't know how :(


Hopefully this makes enough sense for my question. I'm sorry, I've been at this for hours and am not making any progress.

If I know the row involved I can use something like OFFSET(FirstCell,,MATCH(TRUE,FirstCell:LastCell>0,0)-1,1,1) but that doesn't seem to work when the FirstCell and LastCell are effectively in different rows.
Hi ,

Try this array formula , entered using CTRL SHIFT ENTER :


H1 contains the number of elements you want in the output , in this case 3.

The array formula is supposed to be entered after selecting 3 cells , say B10 , C10 , D10 , and then entering the formula by using CTRL SHIFT ENTER. If you select more cells , say 4 , then the additional cell will display #N/A.

A10 contains the data from column A of your data range ; in this case A10 will have ItemA.

Thank you NARAYANK991, I will have to try that. It is almost as convoluted as my own answer which I came up with by using an embedded INDEX inside of an INDEX to both provide a range and to test against! This is not pretty, but it does work:
