Hi all,
Please find the attached workbook here:
In col B, I have certain names repeated in rows and I want to get the count of these names and also return the corresponding values from respective columns.
Problem 1:
There are certain instances where a single cell contains more than 1 name (in that case the names are separated by ""). For example, "Annie" present in row 2,3,4 and 5. But at row 2 basically there are two names "Smitha/Annie".
As of now I have managed to get the count of names using wild card characters(*) in countif function.
=COUNTIF(B:B,"*Annie*") which gives me the count 4 (which is correct).
If I want to pass the cell reference(contains the name) instead of writing the name directly in the formula, the formula is not working.Actually, I want to keep all the names in a drop down cell and want to use that cell reference in the formula.
How can I do this?
Problem 2:
For each one of the name in col B, I want to return all the corresponding values from Co A and Col C. We can do this by using a combination of INDEX, SMALL, IF and ROW function.But again, since one cell may contains > 1 name, I am not able to construct the formula in order to work properly.
When I use this:
=IF($B$2:$B$8="Annie",ROW($B$2:$B$8)) (ctrl+shift+enter) I get :
So, for B2 I am getting "False" as it contains Smitha/Annie
Using wild card in above part of the formula, everywhere I am getting false.
Please tell me what tricks we need to follow here to get the job done.
Please understand, we do not have any provision to change the format of the data set.
Looking forward to your kind assistance.
Please find the attached workbook here:
In col B, I have certain names repeated in rows and I want to get the count of these names and also return the corresponding values from respective columns.
Problem 1:
There are certain instances where a single cell contains more than 1 name (in that case the names are separated by ""). For example, "Annie" present in row 2,3,4 and 5. But at row 2 basically there are two names "Smitha/Annie".
As of now I have managed to get the count of names using wild card characters(*) in countif function.
=COUNTIF(B:B,"*Annie*") which gives me the count 4 (which is correct).
If I want to pass the cell reference(contains the name) instead of writing the name directly in the formula, the formula is not working.Actually, I want to keep all the names in a drop down cell and want to use that cell reference in the formula.
How can I do this?
Problem 2:
For each one of the name in col B, I want to return all the corresponding values from Co A and Col C. We can do this by using a combination of INDEX, SMALL, IF and ROW function.But again, since one cell may contains > 1 name, I am not able to construct the formula in order to work properly.
When I use this:
=IF($B$2:$B$8="Annie",ROW($B$2:$B$8)) (ctrl+shift+enter) I get :
So, for B2 I am getting "False" as it contains Smitha/Annie
Using wild card in above part of the formula, everywhere I am getting false.
Please tell me what tricks we need to follow here to get the job done.
Please understand, we do not have any provision to change the format of the data set.
Looking forward to your kind assistance.