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Resolving Div/0 Error

Joe Shaer

New Member
Hello all,

im attempting to use the 'Forecast.ETS' function... Seems to work in the first few rows but then gives me a 'Div/0' error and I cannot find the exact problem. I am attaching a sample workbook of this. Hope someone can help.


  • 10 Year (sample).xlsx
    595 KB · Views: 3
The #DIV/0! error is correctly being trapped by the IFERROR in rows 19 and below.
The blank cells in rows 11 to 18 is odd. All came back to life when I re-entered the formula in cell F5! (Just edit that cell, change nothing and press Enter.) Another thing that worked was to choose a different value from the dropdown in cell A2, then change it back…