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Reset all radio button to blank when it is linked to a cell using macro in excel


Dear Experts,

I have a macro which reset all the radio button to blank at a click but the same will not work when the radio button are linked to a cell.

Here is my codes...

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()

For x = 1 To Sheets("B.").OLEObjects.Count

Sheets("B.").OLEObjects(x).Object.Value = False

Next x

End Sub

Thanking you in advance,

Hi Dee ,

I am not able to reproduce your problem ; when I execute your macro , all the buttons get cleared , whether they are linked to cells or not.

if i add the radio button by Form Controls and link it to a cell it will not work,if i add radio buttons by ActiveX control it works but i cant link it a cell.

Hi Dee ,

I am still not able to understand your problem.

Suppose you add option buttons ( say 3 of them ) to your worksheet ; you link each of them to a different cell ; now you run your macro ; what happens ?

You say when you add the Forms control option button and link it to a cell , it does not work ; what does not work ?

What do you actually wish to do ?

Narayan, Thanks for your patience...

I have 3 radio button in a sheet all are linked to Cell A3. First time i am selecting one radio button save my sheet. Next time when i reopen i need to set all my radio button to blank at a click. For this i am using the above said code. How do i do that as my above code is not impressive...

i go tone more code as below...

Sub reset()

Dim OptBTN As OptionButton

Dim OLEObj As OLEObject

For Each OptBTN In ActiveSheet.OptionButtons

OptBTN.Value = xlOff

Next OptBTN

For Each OLEObj In ActiveSheet.OLEObjects

If TypeOf OLEObj.Object Is msforms.OptionButton Then

OLEObj.Object.Value = False

End If

Next OLEObj

End Sub

Thanks a lot

Hi Dee ,

The following code seems to work on my PC :

Sub reset()
Dim OptBTN As OptionButton
Dim OLEObj As OLEObject
For Each OptBTN In ActiveSheet.OptionButtons
OptBTN.Value = xlOff
Next OptBTN
End Sub


Finally ended up with this code

Sub ClearOptionButtonsForms()


ActiveSheet.OptionButtons.Value = xlOff

End Sub