Modification required
- To retain certain columns base on dynamic list (on sheet 2 with table name kumar), Tried to have the same on macro but will be changing from month to month. Would be great if required user to manually select row not sure if every time it will be on same row every time.
- To delete rows from 1 to 8 Except for ABC which should be the first line in new workbook
- Should delete Rows with NA on base on user selection (tried with macro Delval but only after running macro for 3 or 4 times it deletes the all the rows with input name. and clear all rows after the table from row 13 onwards.
x =inputbox("enter the name")
For Each i In Range("C:C")
If i.value = x Then i.EntireRow.Delete
- Should delete all the images in the sheet(Available in Column AI. Usually contains multiple images in the workbook.
- To import another sheet from different work book on the new sheet created.