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Require help to understand the code


Hi all,

I got this attached workbook from http://excelexperts.com/Chart-Zoomer


It shows, how to zoom in a chart on click event and back to normal size on another click.

I am not able to understand the code properly and hence, not able to adapt the technique to one of my projects requirement.

May I request you to please explain the code (probably by mentioning comments in the code modules or by any other means..) to help me understand how it is working?


Hi Kaushik ,

I am unable to understand why anyone would not use a file sharing service like speedy.sh

It does not require registration , it allows anyone to upload , it has links for different purposes , it allows anyone to download , what more can one ask for ?

I go to your hotfile link , and I'm told that I am already downloading a file , and as a free user , I am allowed only one download at a time. I have absolutely no idea which download this is.

My point is that when a service like speedy.sh is available , why would anyone use any other service ?


Try this, marvelous thing that search box :)

Hi Narayan,

Thank you for your quick reply.

Actually I have registered myself in Hotfile and have been using this from the beginning.

I never accessed speedy.sh earlier but per your suggestion I have uploaded the file here:


It is , indeed, a very user friendly file sharing service as it does not require any registration. I will definitely use this from now onwards. Thank you for letting me now about the same.

Looking forward to your response.

@ Bob:

Thank you for sharing the link.However, I have already seen this. But it is something different than what I have found in the workbook attached.


Hi Kaushik ,

In the meantime , if you are interested , please go through these , if you have not already done so :

1. http://www.computorcompanion.com/LPMArticle.asp?ID=221

2. http://j-walk.com/ss/excel/tips/tip83.htm

3. http://peltiertech.com/WordPress/chart-event-to-highlight-a-series/

4. http://peltiertech.com/WordPress/chart-event-class-module-to-highlight-a-series/

5. http://www.cpearson.com/Excel/Classes.aspx

The first link will probably explain everything better than I can.

Hi Narayan,

Thank you for sahring this.

I will definitely look into these links and try to understand the logic explained. It's a kind of a week's reading material for me.

However, would request you to sahre your understanding / explanation on the codes (in the uploaded workbook I posted above), whenever you get time...

Thank you for all your awesome help so far...


Hi Kaushik ,

As a first step , can you download this version of your file , and compare the code in the two files to see what the differences are ?

