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Requesting assistance on creating an excel form


New Member
I work for a regional jail. When an inamte is booked in, they must go through a classificaiton process to insure they are placed in the appropriate housing. In a nutshell, the officers will ask a series of scored questions. The total of the score will determin the most appropraite classificaiton for the inmate. I want to create a form that will help streamline this.

Bascially, they will ask questions like:

severity of current charges (choices: Low=0, Moderate=2, High=5, highest=7)

serious offense history (choices: None/Low=0, Moderate=1, High=4, Highest=7)

escape history (choices: choices: No escape=0, Walkaway/Attempted from minimum security or not return from authorized absence=3, Escape/Attemped from medium/maximum=7

etc. to come up with a custody score. There are seven questions. Questions 1-3 need a total and section 1-7 need a total. There are some places for comments. I can provide a sample of this form if needed.

Many thanks up front for anyone who can assist.

Guy Short, IT Director

Meherrin River Regional Jail
For each question, I'd probably use a lookup table and VLOOKUP function to return a score for the answer given to question. Then, it's a simple matter of adding some SUM or SUBTOTAL functions where appropriate to get the totals you need. Comment boxes could easily be created by making a large cell, or just merging several cells together.

If you need to save the data somewhere, there's several templates available showing how to store data from a form. Here's one example that might get you started:


Or perhaps this one might be closer to what you're looking for:


I'd also recommend just free hand sketching a basic outline of what you'd like the form to look like. This will let you plan overall layout and help you in creating the outline in XL.

Hope that helps give you some ideas.