Dear Sir
I am trying to make areporting tree sought off. I have three long lists one is of "Heads', second is of "managers' and third for 'subordinates". In list 1 where there are heads there names are repeated as different heads reports the Head. same is with manager and subordinate relation. I want the unique Head and automatically appears all managers against him and further to these managers the subordinates appear. I am attaching an excel in which Data sheet contains the data and solution sheet contains the required solution. However if additon or deletion to any list is made it automatically gets adjusted as the list keep on changing due to movement.
I am trying to make areporting tree sought off. I have three long lists one is of "Heads', second is of "managers' and third for 'subordinates". In list 1 where there are heads there names are repeated as different heads reports the Head. same is with manager and subordinate relation. I want the unique Head and automatically appears all managers against him and further to these managers the subordinates appear. I am attaching an excel in which Data sheet contains the data and solution sheet contains the required solution. However if additon or deletion to any list is made it automatically gets adjusted as the list keep on changing due to movement.