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Report by month based on date

I have a spreadsheet with two different date columns.
One for started date and one for closed date. The tate format is dd.mm.yyyy

In order to report how many cases that was opened and closed each month I need a way to do this.

I was planning to add a new columnd next to the date columns and just insert the data from the original date column and format mmmm. Then I can count.
problem is that if the date field is empty the date in the new column is set to 01.01.1900 and date shown as January. I need it to be left blank(empty)
And then I need a formula to count cases for every month.

Can anyone help?


  • Example.xlsx
    9 KB · Views: 3

If you just format "mmmm" the value still read as date not a text value for month.

One way is to use COUNTIFS to count the dates. Please see attached


  • Example (2).xlsx
    12.3 KB · Views: 7