It's not a very elegant solution, but you could concatenate SUBSITUTEs inside SUBSTITUTEs, like, in cell B2 of Sheet2 put the following formula:
And copy it down as you go.
(don't Forget to replace the ";" in my formula by "," if your regional settings require so, my formula separator is ";")
It's 4 SUBSTITUTEs, one for each of the terms you want replaced by it's abreviation.
I could do this in a more elegant way with FIND() and REPLACE(), i believe, if we had the guarantee that each term would appear only once, but this SUBSTITUE way will do the trick, I believe.
It's not a very elegant solution, but you could concatenate SUBSITUTEs inside SUBSTITUTEs, like, in cell B2 of Sheet2 put the following formula:
And copy it down as you go.
(don't Forget to replace the ";" in my formula by "," if your regional settings require so, my formula separator is ";")
It's 4 SUBSTITUTEs, one for each of the terms you want replaced by it's abreviation.
I could do this in a more elegant way with FIND() and REPLACE(), i believe, if we had the guarantee that each term would appear only once, but this SUBSTITUE way will do the trick, I believe.