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Rename multiple files in a folder with a macro

Rui Pires

hi all;

I have multiple files in a folder and I want to rename them automatically via a macro as shown below.
Can you help me in this challenge?

Thanks for your support.


  • rename_files.jpg
    50.8 KB · Views: 58
So, Pls be specific & also share the sample xl with manual calculation/steps.

So I have some files in any folder , and i want a simple macro to read all the files and rename them to the syntax that I show in Figure, so in the same folder i have the macro file and the files all renamed. It is simple :)
Thank you Deepak


  • rename_files.xlsm
    16.7 KB · Views: 182
You mean to say that rename the last part of file name followed by "_" with YYYYMMDD
ie : "ID_2G_SCF_54545455455.xml" will be "ID_2G_SCF_20150519.xml "

and ID_2G_RSSI_2112121212112.txt will be "ID_2G_RSSI_20150519.txt "

and so on until the end of the files

Something like as ...

Option Explicit
Sub rename_2()
Dim OldName As String, NewName As String, mydir As String, r As Range

mydir = Application.ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"

For Each r In Range("A1:A10")
    OldName = r
    NewName = Left(r, Len(r) - InStrRev(r, "_")) & Format(Date, "YYYYMMDD")
    Name mydir & OldName As mydir & NewName

End Sub
Something like as ...

Option Explicit
Sub rename_2()
Dim OldName As String, NewName As String, mydir As String, r As Range

mydir = Application.ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"

For Each r In Range("A1:A10")
    OldName = r
    NewName = Left(r, Len(r) - InStrRev(r, "_")) & Format(Date, "YYYYMMDD")
    Name mydir & OldName As mydir & NewName

End Sub

Deepack as you see on pic , i dont know where the error is, why you put
r In Range("A1:A10") ?? in the A1:A10 there is no values!! the macro must read the name files on the folder as you see on pic attached


  • not work.jpg
    not work.jpg
    203.1 KB · Views: 15
I said like something not copy paste & run the code.

Pls wait for sometimes, i will get back to you with copy-paste code.
I said like something not copy paste & run the code.

Pls wait for sometimes, i will get back to you with copy-paste code.

I assigned your code to my button - " rename files" and i change the path because first i have got message error in the path
Ok thanks very much, i appreciate :)
Check this...

Option Explicit
Sub rename_3()
Dim NewName As String, mydir As String, objFile As Object

mydir = Application.ThisWorkbook.Path

With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    For Each objFile In .GetFolder(mydir).Files
        If InStrRev(objFile.Name, "_") Then
            NewName = Replace(objFile.Name, Mid(objFile.Name, _
                    InStrRev(objFile.Name, "_") + 1, InStrRev(objFile.Name, ".") - _
                    InStrRev(objFile.Name, "_") - 1), Format(Date, "YYYYMMDD"))
            Name objFile As Replace(objFile, objFile.Name, NewName)
        End If
End With

MsgBox "Done"
End Sub
Check this...

Option Explicit
Sub rename_3()
Dim NewName As String, mydir As String, objFile As Object

mydir = Application.ThisWorkbook.Path

With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    For Each objFile In .GetFolder(mydir).Files
        If InStrRev(objFile.Name, "_") Then
            NewName = Replace(objFile.Name, Mid(objFile.Name, _
                    InStrRev(objFile.Name, "_") + 1, InStrRev(objFile.Name, ".") - _
                    InStrRev(objFile.Name, "_") - 1), Format(Date, "YYYYMMDD"))
            Name objFile As Replace(objFile, objFile.Name, NewName)
        End If
End With

MsgBox "Done"
End Sub

Hi Deepack , only work with one file :(
thank you again
Hi Rui,

Something might still needs to alter...non tested too!!

Option Explicit
Sub rename_4()
Dim NewName As String, mydir As String, objFile As Object
Dim Last_name As String, id As String

mydir = Application.ThisWorkbook.Path
id = Range("e2").Value

With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    For Each objFile In .GetFolder(mydir).Files
        If Not InStrRev(objFile.Name, "_") Then GoTo N
            Last_name = Mid(objFile.Name, _
                    InStrRev(objFile.Name, "_") + 1, InStrRev(objFile.Name, ".") - _
                    InStrRev(objFile.Name, "_") - 1)
        If IsNumeric(Last_name) Then
            NewName = Replace(objFile.Name, Last_name, Format(Date, "YYYYMMDD"))
            NewName = Replace(objFile.Name, Last_name, Last_name & "_" & Format(Date, "YYYYMMDD"))
        End If
        NewName = Replace(NewName, id, "")
        NewName = id & "_" & NewName
        Name objFile As Replace(objFile, objFile.Name, NewName)
N:    Next
End With

MsgBox "Done"
End Sub
Hi Deepack the code works if i remove this line
"If Not InStrRev(objFile.Name, "_") ThenGoTo N "
and " N:" ,after that i have an error debug
on " Name objFile As Replace(objFile, objFile.Name, NewName) " but the file
was renamed !! But that is not what i want !

before original name : " 2G_15893_MML.txt "
after "15893_2G_15893_MML_20052015.txt "

and i want "15893_2G_MML_20052015.txt" like in the pic that i sent to you

Anyway thanks for helping me out
I have asked names not picture..
Like as
Before - After as per you without any macro.

BEFORE Can be like this










Pls explain

How 21783_BSC393588_BCF14.xls became <ID>_BSC393588_<DATA>.xls

where's the bold part gone.