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Remove Data which is not match with other column



I am downloading data from 2 different system in to xls and need to remove invoice no and amount which is not match with other data.

attached file for your ref.


A and B data from one system and D and E data from another system, currently i am doing foll. manually step to remove data.

sort A , B and D,E data in assending order, in C column applying formula A3-D3 and copying to the end and whenere there is diffence removing each Invoice no and amount from both data which is very time consuming process as data is almost 15000 to 18000.

Pls help if there is any other formula / macro to remove data which is not match
Hi dingdang,

I am not sure if I got the requirement correctly. But here is my blind shoot..

(For the first data set ranges from A to E) At F3 write the following formula:


Wherever you do not have any match, formula will throgh # N/A

Put some heading at F2, filter col F by #N/A and then delete the rows.

Please post back if this is not something that you are looking for.
