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Reinforcement Schedule Problem VBA

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New Member
Hiii dear readers,

I am trying to prepare a bar bending schedule which basically calculates length weights of various shapes of bent reinforced bars . (File attached)

I will input dia of bar, no of elements , bars and cutting length which I will calculate from the drawing.

Now the slightly tricky part..

Now when I enter the code I should be able to automatically get the shape of corresponding code and entering A,B,C as 100,500 , 100 etc. should help me to write the same in the placeholders adjacent to the shape as shown.

I will then calculate the total length based on the entries made.

Now I move to other row and similiarly second shape, second length and so on and so fourth.

Any ideas please??




  • BBS Trial.xlsx
    13.2 KB · Views: 31
Hi ,

Can you upload a more complete workbook , which has a proper list of shapes along with their names by which they will be referred to ?

This is easily possible using VBA ; is it acceptable ?

Yes its very acceptable.... There is no particular code name I want but i am putting in few shapes which we use ...


  • BBS Trial.xlsx
    32.1 KB · Views: 26
Hi ,

Things are not very clear.

Your uploaded workbook contains a grouped shape which contains 42 individual shapes ; first , this group has to be ungrouped , and the individual shapes have to be given their IDs. I assume that the numbers next to the individual shapes are their numbers e.g. shape ID 120 will refer to a Spiral Ring.

Secondly , can you clearly designate the cells which will have input data , and which cells need to be filled in through either formulae or VBA code ?

Dear Sir,

I have uploaded another file . There are remarks within the file. Have a look. Yes ID 120 will be the code and when this code is entered in Code Column(H column) the Shape must change accordingly, Consequently since there is only one length in Spiral. On entering this length in column I the length must be written next to the spiral shape. Hope it is clear.

Further I have to now learn VBA well. What do you suggest??


  • BBS Trial.xlsx
    36.2 KB · Views: 36


could be done if shapes group are named like its code
or if code is within a cell near its shapes group …
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