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Refesh excel - for macro and charts after a five min period.

new post since old one - files were corrupted.


How can i make it so that my excel with update all macros each 5 minutes.

I have charts and macros that I would like to be updated and not that the user needs to press the button.




  • Testing_Template_Final_V2.0e.xlsb
    406.3 KB · Views: 0
How is this different from your earlier question about doing it every two minutes? You got a number of responses to that one.
How is this different from your earlier question about doing it every two minutes? You got a number of responses to that one.
I am good with this, I just wanted to know based on the response how to get it to auto start when the excel is opended so it is seamless to the user.
what was provided really helps.
I do not want to waste your time -somone else helped me for this so and I have one open question -so this should be closed.
thanks a lot!!!!