I have a worksheet and I want to use the address that is contained in the cell in a macro. The address may chage but the function of the macro will not. for example, in cell I8 of sheet1 in my "auto open" workbook there is an address :H:\Work Schedule\2015\Q1 Work Weeks\Work Week 1\WORK WEEK 1.xls". I would like the code below to open the workbook whose address is listed in the cell as this may change based on other factors. Right now I either have to write a macro for each address of manually go in and copy the address to the macro. Any help? have searched and come across lots of info on returning cell adress but not alot on using adress in cell.
Workbooks.Open Filename:="H:\Work Schedule\2015\Q1 Work Weeks\Work Week 1\WORK WEEK 1.xls".CODE]