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record accuracy formula

Daniel Valle

New Member
Hi Ninjas,

The record accuracy must be beetween 0 - 100%

When I used
System Counted Difference
525 541 +16

Formula (1-(541/525))*100 = Difference% = 3.05%

Inventory accuracy = 100- Difference % = 100-3.05 = 96.95% is OK

But in example #2

System Counted Difference
292 6,083 +5,791

Formula (1-(6,083/292))*100 = Difference% = 1983.22%

Inventory accuracy = 100- Difference % = 100-1983.22 = 1883.22% Is not correct!! Must be beetween 0 - 100%

What is the correct formula?

Thank you
If it must be 100% then the biggest number is 100%.
Difference =1-(MIN(B4:C4)/MAX(B4:C4)), format as "%"
Accuracy = 1- Difference, format as %