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Reconcile data based on multiple conditions


Excel Ninja
I need help in reconciling data. Kindly refer the attached file for details.
Can anyone help me in this please. Both VBA or Formula will do.


  • Test.xlsb
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Hi Ashish,

Thanks for the help.

Please see below details.

Range A3 to A8 are same codes.
Versions in Columns C are related to Code (Column A)

In this case for code ABC123 versions are abc, def, wer, saq.

So we have 4 versions for ABC123.

Now in Cell B3 I have value as 4, this correct.
I have to check if this is 4.

For next case, we have Code DEF456, there are 2 versions and value in B Column is 2. I have to check if this 2 or something else.
Hi Nebu,

Thanks a lot for the help. Apologies for delay in response.

May be I did not explain it correctly. The values will be present in Column B. we need to check if the values populated in Column B are correct or incorrect.

Have a nice day ahead.

Why can you wrap the formula given by me in an if condition and compare it with the numbers you already have something in the following lines.

If(SUMPRODUCT(($A$3:$A$17=A3)*($C$3:$C$17<>""))=B3,"Correct", Not Correct)
