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Re-purpose Data from rows to columns


New Member

I'm not quite sure how to do this in Excel. It seems simple but I'm trying to build a scale-able way to do it.

I am getting 2 data files, one source is prospect names with a unique ID. The second is a file with the unique ID and with campaigns they are attached to.

I'm trying to combine both files so that the end result takes the campaign attendance for each prospect and places it as a column.

1st file with prospects and ID's

People-ID First Name Last Name

89 John Smith

24 Jane Doe

13 Bill Foster

2nd file with prospect ID and campaign

People-ID Campaign Name Campaign ID

13 Campaign A FG-4222011

13 Campaign C PPX

24 Campaign A FG-4222011

24 Campaign B PH-512011

24 Campaign D RL-432011

89 Campaign A FG-4222011

89 Campaign C PPX

Final result of what I want

People-ID First Name Last Name Campaign A Campaign B Campaign C Campaign D

89 John Smith Y N Y N

24 Jane Doe Y Y N Y

13 Bill Foster Y N Y N

You might be able to see a better result with the attached mock-up.


I need some help on how to write a look-up formula that I can add unique names of the campaign names and add it horizontally next to each person's name and mark it with an X under each of the columns to indicate if they attended.

I'm sorry I'm not sure on how to do this dynamically.

Anyone know?


Does this help??


I know it's a lazy way of doing it, but it does the job.