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Random Condition


Active Member
I have a few project beginning with ABC, & the other projects are EFG HIJ XYZ.......

I have a few names Srinidhi, Rahul, Ram vineeth & Raj.

1st Condition, for project beginning with ABC - Srinidhi, vineeth & Rajname should not appear

2nd Condition, based on previous months data

Ex if project EFG was handled by srinidhi last month this month srinidhi will not be assigned to this project, any one else Rahul, Ram vineeth & Raj can be assigned to the project.

3rd Condition vineeth & Raj can be assigned to only 3 projects

Can this be done using formulas & condition or should we code a macro for this.
Hi Srinidhi,

My initial thought would be to go for macros. Even to build macro, we need alot more inputs. This is some kind of work allocation mechanism used in many operations.

1. do you have only one row for each project in one month?

2. How many folks should be assigned for one project?

3. To be more dynamic, i mean for addition/deletion of projects/names, you need to have one separate sheet as table where you have list of resources in one column and all projects listed horizontal in one row. Then, Track for each crossing row/column whether they can be assigned or no.

based on your inputs, I can give you more info how to go about automating the same.


sure thanks I will upload the template & give the details.

1 Yes

2 Only one person per project

Currently there are 20 projects, next month it can be more or can be less.

Currently there are 5 resources the constraint as mentioned above are

project beginning with ABC - Srinidhi, vineeth & Raj's name should not appear

vineeth & Raj can be assigned to only 3 projects each.

For the remaining 3 resourceses there is no constraint on no of project assigned.

This month review will be based on 21 working days from the last months review, Sat & Sunday shld be excluded.

The person who was assigned to the project last month shld not be assigned to the same project this month.

I have done some basic formula work in the attached doc.

Request you to go through the sheet & provide me with u valuable inputs, as this is my first assignment in such a template creation.


Thanking u in Advance, Happy Weekend
Unfortunately, the link is not working for me.. may be restricted in my office. I will check it from home and get back to you.