Here is what happens when I apply this, adjusted for, to a test template of 25 employees. COL C = RAND() COL D = INDEX(B$2:B$21,MATCH(LARGE(C$2:C$21,ROW(B2)),C2:C$21,0))
COL A = Number, COL B=Employee...,COL C=RAND(), COL D=INDEX
1 Employee A 0.501143691412801 Employee I
2 Employee B 0.290204036614349 Employee M
3 Employee C 0.896169584304520 Employee P
4 Employee D 0.241156440065401 Employee N
5 Employee E 0.366805921168875 #N/A
6 Employee F 0.418678449707734
7 Employee G 0.380704541835210
8 Employee H 0.474238256950862
9 Employee I 0.812715255113189
10 Employee J 0.405617968593719
11 Employee K 0.412548305048727
12 Employee L 0.452885536010861
13 Employee M 0.403825997001210
14 Employee N 0.804755766787718
15 Employee O 0.385394887656361
16 Employee P 0.396301368717947
17 Employee Q 0.764474645827894
18 Employee R 0.788568296295631
19 Employee S 0.064568656880134
20 Employee T 0.418609774914165
* Contract stipulates that 25% of the workforce be tested every month.
It appears that the fist employee provided by the formula is not even one of the top 5... I must be doing something wrong - you know how sometimes you have looked at something so long it no longer makes sense, 1 + 1 is 3..., or you have more than 1 Monday in a week - well that's my Friday... What am I missing?