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Quick Pivot Table Question


Greetings...long time no post!

Quick Pivot table question...When using the "Count of" in the Values box of a pivot table, is there a way to suppress the "1"s when the fields are expanded to their most basic level? My temp fix is to simply change the text color to match the field, but, wondering if there's a trick to get rid of the 1s.

Welcome back!

You should be able to do a Value filter on one of the Row fields for "Does not equal" and then do "Count of Names does not equal 1"
Hi Luke-

Ugh..I'm sorry. I'm not seeing it. I"m in 2010. What I'm trying to do is eliminate the counts of "1" that roll up to the total. I just want to see the total.

Thanks man

Can you provide more details about the layout of your PivotTable? For my testing purposes, I just had a single column of Names. I put that field into the Row Area and into the Data area (as a Count of). I then had a drop down on the Row Area where I could filter down to "does not equal". I'm using 2007, so I would think the options should be similar. =/
Ah...I see what you're talking about.

Man! I need more sleep. I was looking in the actual cells. Ha!

Thanks again bud!!