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Quick (lazy man's way) to create multi hyperlinks


Excel Ninja
Good day all

I have a work book that has many tabs and will over time have many more. Thanks to Luke M I have a button in a sheet that automatically creates a tab list, I was wondering if there is a way to allocate the correct hyper link between the list and the actual tab that is referred to in the list.
I think the best quick/lazy way is to copy someone else's code. =P


If nothing else, should give you the correct syntax to use.
Good day Luke M

I have had a look at the link you supplied and it set me of a crash course in VBA,( I will now go one a crash course in malt consumption. )

I have created a new worksheet at the first tab position, then a button via active X, I then right clicked the button and viewed the code, I pasted my code in to the VBA window, and then pasted the

create_TOC as below

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub 

'The code is as:-
Sub Create_TOC()
Dim wbBook As Workbook
Dim wsTOC As Worksheet
Dim wsSheet As Worksheet
Dim InRowNum As Long
Dim InPrintPageNum As Long
Dim InSheetNum As Long

Set wbBook = ActiveWorkbook
With Application
'To stop display while updating
.DisplayAlerts = False
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
On Error Resume Next

With wbBook
.ActiveSheet.Range("A2", "B200") = "" 'Clears and sets the range, change if need to

End With
On Error GoTo 0

Set wsTOC = wbBook.ActiveSheet
With wsTOC
'To name headers in A1 B!1
With .Range("A1:B1")
.Value = VBA.Array("Table of Contents", "Sheet Num - Num of Pages") 'Sheet Num - Num of Pages, this allows you to see the number of
'print pages and tidy up sheet if need to
.Font.Bold = True
.Font.Color = vbRed
End With
End With

InRowNum = 2
InSheetNum = 1
'Work way through the worksheets in the workbook and create
'sheetnames, hyperlink and sheet number & write the number
'of pages to be printed for each sheet on the TOC sheet.
For Each wsSheet In wbBook.Worksheets
If wsSheet.Name <> wsTOC.Name Then
With wsTOC
'@ used to format tab names to text this is for sheets that make contain the = symbol
.Cells(InRowNum, 1).NumberFormat = "@"
.Hyperlinks.Add .Cells(InRowNum, 1), "", _
SubAddress:="'" & wsSheet.Name & "'!A1", _
TextToDisplay:="'" & wsSheet.Name
InPrintPageNum = wsSheet.PageSetup.Pages().Count
.Cells(InRowNum, 2).Value = "'" & InSheetNum & "-" & InPrintPageNum
End With
InRowNum = InRowNum + 1
InSheetNum = InSheetNum + 1
End If
Next wsSheet
With Application
.DisplayAlerts = True
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub
It updates by clicking the button on the TOC sheet, just add or delete sheets. I would appreciate any comments on the code
If I save this workbook on any tab that is open when reopened it opens on the tab that was active when saved, can some one explain the code to always opens on the TOC sheet?

I have seen some ting I think is the code but don't want to risk using some thing that could screw up all the code
Something like this in the ThisWorkbook module should take care of it.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub
Evening Luke M

I have tried to paste the code into the code but I get a compile error, "Expected end sub"

pasting between "Dim InSheetNum As Long" and "Set wbBook = ActiveWorkbook"
Luke M

Sorted :)

Removed from ThisWorkbook module and placed directly into ThisWorkBook and changed Private to Public
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