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Quantity Power Query



Hope you're doing good.

There is few requirement and changes in query, kindly help us with it
(changes required is mentioned in sheet 1 tab in the attached file)


  • CustomFx (5)(2).xlsx
    741.4 KB · Views: 6
Hi again,
Could you provide a full list of measures, packs, packages ... you have to deal with.
Then this function can be rewritten in a smarter way.
Last time I helped, I spent too much time on it, guessing what would work. Need to admit I don't have any free time to spent on the forum the last couple of months.
Hoping someone else could help you on the way.
Be save.
Hi again,
Could you provide a full list of measures, packs, packages ... you have to deal with.
Then this function can be rewritten in a smarter way.
Last time I helped, I spent too much time on it, guessing what would work. Need to admit I don't have any free time to spent on the forum the last couple of months.
Hoping someone else could help you on the way.
Be save.
Thank you so much for your help in creating this, which has been very helpful for us in everyday process, Apologizing for consuming more time on it.

These are some of the list of measures we will come across on daily basis
g, grm, gms, grms, gram, grams, ml, millilitre, milliliter, count, counts, meter, metre, pack, packs, pk, ct, pairs, packet, packets, set of, pack of, count of,packs of
if there is any option like we can do addition in later stage would be helpful for us.