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Putting Excel file in Windows startup folder with VBA



I need help with VBA code to put file to Windows Startup folder so that the file is open-ed automatically on every Windows start up.

Thank you,
Thank you,

I know how to find and files to Windows startup folder. But, not everyone knows how to do it, so I want to automate it via VBA so that a user within Excel file saves the copy of the file to Windows startup folder.
Hi ,

I am not sure I have understood you ; there is nothing like a Windows startup folder for a workbook , there is a Windows startup folder where you put the shortcut for starting Excel itself.

There is also an Excel startup folder , where you can have the workbooks which you need to be opened automatically when Excel is opened.

It seems that this is not what you want ; you want that Excel should be opened , I do not know whether automatically or manually , and you want the file to be opened , I do not know whether automatically or manually , and then you want that when the file is saved , it is saved to the XlStart folder.

If a user is so ignorant , where is he / she going to save the file the first time when they will receive it either via email or via a download from some file-sharing site ?

Anyway , I hope someone else will answer your question.


Let me explain the case in a different way - there is an Excel file for tracking of daily activities and users want to review it in the morning, at work before doing everything else. Sometimes people forget to open and review it. So to open this Excel file automatically and every day it should be put to Windows startup folder. And not everyone knows how and where to put file so that is it opened automatically. Therefore I want to get a VBA code so that within that file people could save it to Windows startup folder once, and so that later it is opened by Windows automatically, every day. Of course, I can instruct everyone on how to put file to Windows startup folder, but not everyone is friendly with instructions.

Putting file in Excel XLStart folder is not ok, since on every Excel file opening that file will be opened, which is not what we need.

I hope I was clear and could explain my point.


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