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Put Value in a cell as per Conditional Formatting


Dear All,

I want to try a task in excel, but can't able to acheive, so please help me to resolve it

By conditional formatting, i am highlighting the entire row with Yellow color, now i want to put a vba code which can put 1 in a cell (any cell in a column) in that highlighted row. I am trying to put a code like activecell.interior.color = vbyellow, but it can't detect the color cells. Becoz the cells are highlighted by CF.

So is there any way to detect these cells

Please suggest


Dear Debraj Roy

Thank you so much, it worked, but i need one more step like, if that value already put in some where then i need to put it in color cell. I mean to say

A1 = AAA

A2 = AAA

A3 = AAA

by conditional formating,A3 filled with color yellow, and i already put value in A1, my requirement is in A1 value should be delete and put the value in A3

The putting value i am refereing is 1, for the purpose of counting unique values, i am using countif (=IF(COUNTIF(BI$11:$BI31,BI31)=1,1,"")) but it can't applied for highlighted cells