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Projects' status dynamic chart


Hi All,

I am trying to build a project status chart for which I need your help.Here is the sample data:


Now let me explain my requirement…

Column A contains the project ID, Col B contains project lead, Col C project end date and Col D talks about how much (%) the project has yet been completed. Before I go further, I want to mention couple of things for your quick reference:

1)Project ID always starts with a letter “S” followed by 4 digit numbers (e.g. S2040)

2)There are only two leads under Project Lead column(Steve and Michael)

3)Sometimes you will see “TBD” is mentioned “Project ID” and “Project End Date” column. It means that either the project has not yet been initiated or project end date has not yet been decided or the both (see row number 14 and 23 for example)

4)There are some rows which are filled with background color (green, yellow, orange etc)and rests of the rows do not have any color filled in it. The rows which do not have any color contain the active projects.

Criteria to screen the data that will go into the chart:

1)All active projects data should go into the chart

2)An active project which do not have any date mentioned in Col C (instead TBD is mentioned), should not be considered in chart data

3)If TBD mentioned in Col A but a date is mentioned in Col C, we should consider that in our chart data.

**Please note that, in Col C date and time are punched together. We need to only fetch date ( e.g. September 26, 2012) in our chart data.

Chart layout:

1)There should be a drop down box containing project leads name(Steve and Michael)

2)If I select Steve, all the project IDs should be populated in rows and to the right hand side a horizontal bar chart which should depict two things…i) Project Status Completion(in %) and how many days are left to complete the project from TODAY’S date.

3)Likewise, when I select Michael, Michael’s related information should be populated as I mentioned above.

Please note that the data rows might expand or shrink every day. So things have to be completely dynamic in nature.

Hope I am able to explain my requirement clearly.

Looking forward to you help.

Hi Kaushik,

Will a in cell chart made in horizontal Gantt style will be ok or you want it be chart? I mean an in cell chart will work faster then chart?
Hi kaushik,

See this file:


Hi Faseeh,

Great work done..

Couple of questions now..

1) Actually I wanted the chart to reflect the “days reaming “ in one bar and % completion in another bar.

2) The In cell approach is fine but by this, can we show data labels (I mean the actual figures just at the end of the bars? Because I do not want to show the data separately to users. On left hand side there should be only the project IDs and to it’s right there should be the chart reflecting the info.

Am I clear what I am after? Please let me know if I am not able to explain it clearly.

However, thank you very much for your help so far...

Looking forward to your reply.

Hi kaushik,

Please see this file, i have tried to incorporate your suggestions:


Hi kaushik,

Sorry!! I uploaded wrong file, here is the correct one:


Hope that helps.

Hi Faseeh,

This is excellent..

Can you please tell me how did you create that scale?

However, I have managed to do the entire work in some other way.Since, we started working together on this, I wanted to share my work with you and post that, you can share your comments regarding any further improvement.

For this, may I request you to share your e-mail ID with me? I will share the original file with you.

Here is mine: pharmacyjukaushik@yahoo.com

Hi kaushik,

Thanks for the kind words.

I created Scale using "Spark Line for Excel 2007".

My email address in faseeh10@hotmail.com feel free to contact me at this address.
